Civilförsvarets ledningscentraler

Hem » Civilförsvarets ledningscentraler » Civilförsvarscentraler / Civil defence centrals

DC Berg

In Svenstavik, Jämtland. A type F bunker. Planning started in 1973 and finished in 1976. 13 people manned these standard-type bunkers throughout Sweden.

HC Enköping

A civil defence command central in a villa area of Enköping. This central has a moisture problem and the humidity is very high, something that affected almost every camera lens for a shorter or longer time.

HC Eskilstuna

The civil defence central for the town of Eskilstuna. Didn't get into the real central at this first visit due to a troublesome door. Pictures from second visit is unfortunately missing.

DC Flen

A small civil defence central (DC) in the basement of a block of flats. Remade into pub and other things during the years so not much left from the original days.

HC Gävle

Huvudcentralen för Gävle, besökt 2010 då bergets konverterats till kontrollrum för en fiberleverantör.

DC Ljusdal

A small city in the middle part of Sweden without any major defence or factories that made the city a prime target. A small command central was placed on top of a mountain. This place is highly remade by the local cruiser club but similarities can be seen from the Oxelösund, that is a very similar structure.

HC Norrköping (Grävlingen)

In the woods between Norrköping and Linköping a modern civil defence central was built in the 1970's. Similar to the Elephant in Stockholm but with two and not three containers inside the mountain. Visit date: 3 March 2010.

HC Sundsvall

This site was in 2006 sold to a security company that on this visit had started to get rid of all the interior.

HC Söderhamn

A civil defence command central, code name "Abborren" (the perch), that during this visit was a youth hostel. In a mountain very central in Söderhamn. It shares the mountain with a fortified frequency changer station for the railway. The central hosted for some time one of the airforce aircontrol centrals as well, before that moved away to a new site.

HC Södertälje

A civil defence command central, code name "Tordyveln" (the dor-beetle), made in 1975 and is similar to the two major once in Stockholm area. Södertälje is a major industry town, just south of Stockholm, with industry like Scania and SAAB. The central is located way out in the woods and consists of two major houses built in the mountain. Demolished since 2008.

DC Strängnäs

During 2014 demolished and closed due to a new railway tunnel in the same mountain.

HC Östersund

Quite close to the center of town. No pictures inside were allowed to be published.